Children’s Picture Books: eBooks versus Books

What's Beyond My Head by Natalie Kessler and Lars Madsen

“Electronic devices obviate the need for children to use their imagination because it does it for them.”

So why limit their imaginations?

Electronic devices dominate our world and we have become heavily dependent on the content available on our devices. 

The same holds true when it comes to educating our children. We run to our screens to educate. 

However when we are considering eBooks versus physical picture books, consider the visceral feelings of reading a handheld  book and the pleasurable tactile experience of a real book.

But there is more to it.  There is the question of educating a child’s imagination.

Did you ever think that a dog barking on an eBook has a limited bark?  It takes away from the many ways a dog can really bark.  How many ways can a dog really bark? How many sounds will a child be able to create for that dog and what expressions will go along with it? 

Screens are ubiquitous. Children need more authentic engagement so that they can grow as a reader. 

Something to think about!


For the Love of Nature


Why we need to Expand our Child’s Imagination?